Posts Tagged ‘tzevah’
Songs of Myself (Part 9)
By Asher Crispe: October 7, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Simple Rhythms
tagged: 7 colors, 7 pitches, Alexander Scriabin, color, Garden, gardener, gardening, heptatonic scale, Isaac Newton, music, music therapy, niggun, Opticks (1706), synesthesia, Tiferet, tzevah
Inspiring Interior Design (Part 16)
By Asher Crispe: August 27, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: 32 pathways of wisdom, 50 gates of understanding, architecture, black, emotion, interior design, lavan, middot, monochromatic, nigunim, polychromatic, psycho-chromatics, seven, tevah, tzevah, white

Rock and Roll Redemption
"Thanks! Happy to hear!!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"just had to re-read this , excellent , Thank You again for the refresher course in..."
- Pete Waters
The Economics of Creative Destruction (Part 2)
"I was browsing thru FB and came across a post saying why this past Sabbath will be..."
- Nannette L Nerenberg
The Economics of Creative Destruction (Part 2)
"This article/ story is fascinating! A lady on FB told us about how this past Sabba..."
- Nannette L Nerenberg
Interinclusion Winter Retreat 2017
"Do you have this retreat every year?"
- Rochelle Strauss
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 9)
"Thank you for this one especially, although as always, these insights & Spirit..."
- Robert Mykoff
Interinclusion Winter Retreat 2017
I saw that you're going to speak at Chabad/West Side, where I attend. (I'v..."
- Richard Morris
Songs of Myself (Part 9)
"absolutely fascinating and enlightening , with gratitude to Rabbi Crispe for my co..."
- Peter Waters
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Imagine the whole world living as One , Imagine such an Image , as ADONAI ECHAD , ..."
- Peter Waters
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Imagine the whole world of us living as One , Adonai Echad , Imagine , what is tha..."
- Peter Waters
"[…] Rabbi Adher Crispe brought a group of students from various indpendent s..."
- Education and Vermont’s future
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"Thank you so much for your comment!"
- Asher Crispe
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"I'm reading this after hearing of the passing of my mother-in-law, may she rest in..."
- Naomi
Finding My Voice
"I'm a year late to the party, but I'm so happy I found you here. Loved your work o..."
- Naomi Kenan
The Whole-Half Self (Part 1)
"Rabbinic language is precise while losing nothing of the poetic, and you've done a..."
- Malka
Infinite Connection: The Letter Chet Eshet Chayil (Part 25)
"Shalom & great to see another article. "
- Rob_Mykoff
Suspected Alien Life
"[…] A revelation that is temimah, faultless, whole, and complete, precludes ..."
- Noahide, Like Newton ;0) | Noahide Blog
The “Organization” of Law (Part 1)
"Not sure of the difference between "figure of authority" and "authority figure". P..."
- M.S.
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"Wow thank you for this writing. I'm absorbing it through the senses and am seeing ..."
- Elizabeth Yaari
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 1)
"How eloquently explained. Great time of year to read this!"
- Irma Fralic
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Dear Su,
Thank you very much for your email and for the personal experience that ..."
- Asher Crispe
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"My ex husband, a child of holocaust survivors had a hard time being with his kids...."
- su bornstein
Freedom to Question (Part One)
"It feels like such a brilliant journey and insight into healing, and going beyond ..."
- Rob Mykoff
Finding My Voice
"Sara Esther:
I love this article, it is so relevant to the topic of speech. Th..."
- irma
The Ship in the Sea: Using our Pain to Empathize and Heal (Eshet Chayil, Part 14)
"What a beautiful article filled with rich imagery and lessons!"
- rivka m perlman
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 5)
"Well this final Part 5 was just as good as the rest of the 5-part series, can't wa..."
- Rob Mykoff
Leah and Her Unexpected Strength: Eshet Chayil (Part 12)
"Kol hacavod! Yes, what we feel and what we know are so different. But like the wea..."
- Ashira Morgenstern
Finding My Voice
"Thank you so much for your kind words!"
- Asher Crispe
Finding My Voice
"Thank you for your authentic and radiant expression and for being willing to share..."
- Robin
Circus of Dreams (Part 1)
"[…] over a group of letters that included one called Samech, and he informed..."
- An update on Morningstar and Tribute | Worlds Workshop
Circus of Dreams (Part 23)
"I didn't at first realize that this was the last article. I can take a 23-article ..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 23)
"I think I get it now. You go into the realm of math to derive new truths about the..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 21)
"This one was the hardest of this series for me to understand, but I'm marking it a..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 5)
"These are all amazing articles, but if I could rate this one a six, I would. Incid..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Finding My Voice
"You have embodied in words, the only way that I know how to begin writing. And I w..."
- Howard
Finding My Voice
"Heard. VERY heard! You might wonder about your voice, but you just roared! And I'm..."
- aviva spiegel
Finding My Voice
"What a beautiful, emotionally honest piece. I'm thinking: we are constantly, evolv..."
- Roz
Finding My Voice
"BH Hi Sara Esther,
As someone who has never written for pay
rather for myself I ..."
- Chaya Gross
Finding My Voice
"Good luck. It will come."
- Toby Klein Greenwald
The Kinetic Sculptures of Theo Jansen
"Beautifully written, but over the top, no? Comparing something that can mechanical..."
- Moshe
Three is Not a Crowd: Eshet Chayil (Part 10)
"There is actually a parallelism but not in the geometric sense of a literal triang..."
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"In the Midrash, the sages speak of a future whereby Israel expands to include the ..."
- Asher Crispe
Three is Not a Crowd: Eshet Chayil (Part 10)
""And so too, the Jewish perspective is that the ultimate relationship is one of th..."
- Malkie
Rock and Roll Redemption
"The song Imagine also says "Imagine there's no countries". Where does that leave ..."
- Fred Fox
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Only success in your beautiful project. May it grow from strength to strength, an..."
- Rus Devorah
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Hi, do you mean that you will set up a farm there as well? I've been dreaming of d..."
- eli gauthier
Breaking Misconceptions: An Introduction to Eshet Chayil (Part 1)
"Beautifully written! Yasher Koach!"
- Perl Krasnjansky
Breaking Misconceptions: An Introduction to Eshet Chayil (Part 1)
"Great. Loved the class. The book will be even better. Mazal tov!"
- Andrea Lee
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 5)
"I always appreciate and value your insights. As an aside about animals though, onc..."
- Andrea Lee
The Mannequins in Our Lives
"Sara, this is the Artist, Suzanne Heintz. I just read what you wrote. I was aske..."
- Suzanne Heintz
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 1)
"Glad you found it. More parts in the series are coming soon!"
- Asher Crispe
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 1)
Thank u for this article Asher and Sara
- Laurian Greenstein
Being Mothered–Experiencing Shabbat
"What a paradox: "..When you have chosen not to answer your phone, turn on your com..."
- Malka
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"BH Wishing you much hatzlacha!"
- Malka
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 2)
I once read Sartre's Nausea, where I believe he became increasingly..."
- Andy
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Jewcer is a great site! Thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Check out jewcer"
- Zevi
The Spirit of Automation (Part 4)
"Thank you for helping me understand my deepest feelings... truly a feeling of "unn..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 3)
"Your words are like poetry… always piquing my interest… begging to be reread. ..."
- Bob Psencik
Saving Lucky
"I love your heart-felt life adventures expertly told... so much we can learn. A le..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 2)
"Looking forward to the Sabbath of the work I love... one in which I am not making ..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 1)
"I like your simple explanations of profound subjects. It seems as we have more and..."
- Bob Psencik
Saving Lucky
"We certainly do!! Many thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Saving Lucky
"You are so right about how your children will remember this.
Now is the time to m..."
- lynn
Saving Lucky
- Ayala
Freedom Takes Time
Interinclusion Summer Retreat 2014
"G-d willing it will be amazing!! Sorry to hear you can't attend. Hopefully the fir..."
- Asher Crispe
Interinclusion Summer Retreat 2014
This looks amazing but we can't go.. :-(
- Barbara and Raymond Price
The Key is in the Dough
"This is terrific! Thank you for the clear, concise and creative manner you express..."
- Golda
Joy, Love and Revealing the Hidden
"Hi Sara, a beautiful Pesach to you!
Amazingly, I just ran into this piece that ..."
- stanley schuckman
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 2)
"Dear Rabbi Crispe,
We, my Rebbetzin and "I'' are coming to close of Breaking B..."
- Richard Sugarman
The Mannequins in Our Lives
"So glad that someone else could understand what she was doing! I thought it was a ..."
- Ayala
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 1)
"So glad that a fellow Breaking Bad enthusiast enjoyed the series!! Thank you!! Asher"
- Asher Crispe
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 1)
Yasher koach/congrats/kudos on writing this four-part essay on the Sha..."
- Jeff Neckonoff
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thanks Tamir!! We appreciate your kind words!!"
- Asher Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"This is a great article and an incredible website. They say knowledge is power but..."
- Tamir Goodman
The Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 11)
"Thank you for your kind words!!"
- Asher Crispe
The Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 11)
"Asher and Sarah Esther, you guys are radiant, shining lights unto this world. Than..."
- Mia Sherwood Landau
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Beth, being aware of the issue is already a huge step in addressing it. I wish you..."
- Sara Esther Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thank you!"
- Asher Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thanks so much! The remarks about extending modesty in our thoughts towards other..."
- Rebecca Faulkner
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"I struggled with anorexia and controlling calories as a teen. This changed when I ..."
- Beth Greenstein Veltrop
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 6)
"Terrific article - but like Tehillim, please don't finish off with a negative wor..."
- chana boas
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 2)
"So true! Thanks for adding in that additional insight!!"
- Asher Crispe
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 2)
"HI! Really liked your article. Just wanted to say that not only human blood is for..."
- Chasida
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 1)
"This is great. Was asking this question on Shabbas- how are the first 7 plauges di..."
- Ayala
Position, Measurement and Observation (Part 5)
"Thank you for your comment! A radically altered (and improved) picture does emerge..."
- Asher Crispe
Position, Measurement and Observation (Part 5)
""The giving of the Law in this place informs us throughout the ages than the ultim..."
- Marvin Falz
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 2)
"Great blog!
“There is a visionary mirror [Shekhinah] reflecting supernal colo..."
- Jesse
Circus of Dreams (Part 13)
"All I can , as usual is, Rabbi Thank You, for your teaching. your giving and besto..."
- Pete Waters
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"Shouldnt it be the reversed? Maybe i read it wrong but you mention Kayin being the..."
- alon
All Things Digital: Part 1
"When I read this it made me think about how the letter 'Bet' looks kind of like a ..."
- David
Freedom to Question (Part One)
"iafe! toda!"
- Adriana Tcach
The Power of Networks (Part 12)
- Asher Crispe
The Power of Networks (Part 12)
"Comparing the internet to the web of Creation is fascinating. Since I work as a gh..."
- Mia Sherwood Landau
The Whole-Half Self (Part 7)
"Hi Christina,
Thanks for your interest! All of our articles on the interincusio..."
- Asher Crispe
The Whole-Half Self (Part 7)
"Very interesting reading. I would love to post this in my Fanbox posts with all du..."
- Christina Boyle
Night Music
"Many thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Night Music
"A beautiful piece on meditation and the power of music. Very thoughtful."
- Ed Israel
The Whole-Half Self (Part 1)
"Well alrighty then. I dont think i would have understood this as well if anyone el..."
- Erika Paz
The Power of Networks (Part 5)
"Looking forward to part six :)"
- m
Out of Touch (Part 1)
"Sometimes a handshake is just a handshake."
- Ed Israel
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"I agree about John Lennon. I have often thought his words might have opened the do..."
- Mike Ettinger
Rock and Roll Redemption
"A special song indeed! Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"The bride/(s) are truely longing for the Bridegroom and their special song - the m..."
- Christina
The Power of Networks (Part 1)
- Asher Crispe
The Power of Networks (Part 1)
"Great article thanks Asher!"
- Yonason
Relationship Differences: Fusion and De/fusion (Part 16)
I just read Inclusion Part 16 which Andrea was so kind to send to me. I f..."
- Anita Zager
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"Thanks so much!! The quote from Marcus Aurelius says it perfectly!!"
- Asher Crispe
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"As in the series Circus of Dreams, I very much appreciate your insightful, lucid t..."
- Andria Metcalf
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"Great Einstein quote! Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"I love this analysis. I was just writing and thinking this morning about how amazi..."
- Jacki Pincus
Circus of Dreams (Part 19)
"Thanks for your comment! You are indeed correct that the plain meaning of 'olam' ..."
- Asher Crispe
Circus of Dreams (Part 19)
"Mishle 10:25
As the whirlwind passeth, so is the rashah no more, but the tzaddi..."
- Zebadyahu
The Time of Renewal and the Renewal of Time (Part 1)
""Lights, Camera, Action" would correspond to the three lower worlds of Creation, F..."
- Asher Crispe
The Time of Renewal and the Renewal of Time (Part 1)
"I remember as a kid being enthralled by the concept of a movie reel. How a complet..."
- Yonason
Maimonides’ “Theosophic” Psychology (Part 2)
"Judaism specifically foribds Jews from consulting an astrologer or any other form ..."
- Musica
Inspiring Interior Design (Part 7)
"When we sleep we experience one sixteith of death. Negativity tries to suck' as m..."
- Inma
Sacrificial Heterologies (Part 1)
"Thanks so much for helping me out with the source! Not finding it was driving me n..."
- Asher Crispe
Sacrificial Heterologies (Part 1)
"Thank you for this first installment and enlightening exercise on what happens whe..."
- Shaina Trapedo
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Many thanks for your comment! You make a good point. Perhaps we might suggest that..."
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"I'm not sure if John Lennon's "Imagine" is acceptable in my heart of hearts since..."
- Chasha
How We Choose to Invest: Margin Call (The Movie)
"Thanks! We hope to have many more to come!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Dylan is one of the giants...we certainly could write a great deal about his lyric..."
- Asher Crispe
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Thank you!"
- Asher Crispe
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Thank you! More to come in this series. Happy to hear you liked it. Kol Tuv, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Might I add Bob Dylan's "Quinn the Eskimo" made famous by Manfred Mann, then later..."
- rachierach
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Incredible teaching on the "mah" and the "nishtanah." Thank you. Reminded me that ..."
- Rabbi David Zaslow
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"I take my previous comment back. How would Kayin know that Hevel was operating by..."
- Charles King
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"I'm always amazed by how much I have to learn about things I think I know pretty w..."
- Charles King
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
""Propelled by the question, we are able to transcend our limitations, be they of s..."
- Keli Leeba Kinseth
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Many, many thanks! I appreciate all the feedback! All the best, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Like Jim, also grateful to Shifra for the opportunity to experience this deep expl..."
- Graeme Rickards
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Thank you for your kind words! All the best, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Thank you for your profound clarity. Having just finished listening to your call w..."
- Jim Morrison
How We Choose to Invest: Margin Call (The Movie)
"Have missed your articles! Glad you are able to share again."
- Dianne
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"Wow. This explains a lot of history and the squelching of Judaism.
So, now that w..."
- Malka S.
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"very enjoyable and interesting."
- Chaim Forer
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 2)
"It is not always a matter of fewer choices but rather finding a appropriate range ..."
- Asher Crispe
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 2)
"Can it be said that the fewer choices you have in a situation, the closer to desig..."
- Dianne
All Things Digital: Part 2
"This series are nothing short of excellent!"
- Serge
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part Three)
"I just simply want to say thank you for sharing your insight and look forward to y..."
- Dianne
Suspected Alien Life
"This is from the book, Jewish Wisdom on the Afterlife, by Rav DovBer Pinson, he ci..."
- Chaim
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"What is vrudim in this scheme?"
- k
Freedom to Improvise
"1)Have Haman, the skeptic, argue with Esther the tsadika about the nature of reali..."
- Malka Stern
The Temporal Community (Part 1)
"This all fits in with yetziat mitzrayim, going out of the boundaries which limit. ..."
- Malka Stern
Suspected Alien Life
"Thanks so much for this article. I'd like more info about what comes up at the end..."
- bk in l.a.
Suspected Alien Life
"It seems to me that you are downplaying the difficukty of free will or alternate T..."
- Rivka
The Handmaid and the Mistress
"great article! looking forward to its followup"
- Chaim Forer
Lost (and Found) in Translation
"Some Yichudim:
• In theory, the Ramabam holds that a Sefer Torah may be writt..."
- psachyah
Comparative Worldviews in Social Science
"In my opinion, viewing the ideal societal paradigm Birudim through the inherently ..."
- Regan Wales
Glee and Television’s Taste for Inadequate Representation
"Really compelling analysis. I leave with the message that the next horizon is for..."
- Robin Garbose
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"...thank you for opening this topic to discussion.I must admit that I have never e..."
- Regan Wales
The Forest: a short film
"Nice.. that you already know. What could be improved?
1. In the narrative, the "l..."
- lazer
The Forest: a short film
"Thank you! Well done."
- Rochel Leah
Suspected Alien Life
"Now, why would we want space-travel? That really does not appeal to me. At all!"
- MS
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Whats the last level of G´ds game?"
- andre
A World Taken by Games: Jane McGonigal at TED
"Epic article, I very much enjoyed reading it. Thank you!"
- Talia
A World Taken by Games: Jane McGonigal at TED
"Amazing article and unbelievable site. Totally in tune with what is happening and ..."
- Sage Carter
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"Beautifully articulated, thank you. It strikes me that it may be precisely the im..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Can't recall the context or the precise words, but I vividly remember the moment: ..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Marley's 'Redemption Song' probably belongs there too.
I recall trying to explain..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
The Forest: a short film
"Beautiful! What a lesson for life.
This site is great. I am going to link it to m..."
- Miriam
The Forest: a short film
"Cool and so true! Psalm 23. Great website too. Very enticing."
- dianne
Suspected Alien Life
"Thanks so much for the information. I was hoping to crowd source some additional s..."
- Asher Crispe
Suspected Alien Life
"The possibility of "many other worlds" by R. Hasdai Crescas dates actually to the ..."
- Dr. Natan Ophir
Expanding Space and Time
"Awesome! Love how you brought that teaching down so clearly. At what point do we ..."
- Aviva
Rock and Roll Redemption
"How about Dylan's "I Shall be Released" on Moshiach's playlist?"
- Avi Kamman
Move to Think
"What are the schools / learning institutions doing to have that applied?
- Andre
Theory, Imagination & Practice…Squared
"Is it that 1 + 1 = 2 inconsistent or incomplete???
Always thought one needed fait..."
- andre
Expanding Space and Time
"so how do we use the Torah to break the limits of time & space?
who/what are..."
- andre
Comparative Worldviews in Social Science
"View it as the capitalist world contributing to the society as a whole... like peo..."
- Andre
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"Assuming the connection is done with the 613 "links" , then what? Whats next?"
- Andre
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"Interesting article! Thanks"
- Robert
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"Gimme mo. Wilbur is certainly NOT a fan of the level playing field paradigm, all ..."
- Michael Diamond
Life Changing Eating Habits
"Bravo, it's all from HaShem, so who are we to throw it out? Is there a risk of me..."
- Michael Diamond
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"nice article"
- Larry D.