Posts Tagged ‘Torah’
The Power of Networks (Part 8)
By Asher Crispe: February 20, 2013 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
tagged: altar, chochmat ha'teva, damim (bloods), domains, higher and lower waters, Korbanot, mikbar, Mishkan, mizbeach, networks, Noach, Noah, reshet, reshut, science, Sefer Ha'Remezim L'Rabbeinu Yoel, sieve, social networks, Tabernacle, Ten Plagues, Torah
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 2)
By Asher Crispe: April 29, 2011 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: Arizal, Barry Schwartz, Cain and Abel, Decision Theory, Determinism, Freewill, Game Theory, Hevel, Kayin, Moshiach, Paradox of Choice, Torah
Suspected Alien Life
By Asher Crispe: January 17, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quest of the Question
tagged: aliens, biomimicry, Crescas, exoplanet, Extraterrestrial, Star Trek, Star Wars, Talmud, Torah
Comparative Worldviews in Social Science
By Asher Crispe: December 23, 2010 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Chassidic, Individualism, Kabbalah, Kings of Edom, social science, Torah