Posts Tagged ‘stem cells’
Brains, Monkeys and Avatars (Part 3)
By Asher Crispe: March 19, 2014 : CategoryNetworks of Meaning
tagged: AI, Alan Turing, avatar, Avatar (film), bioinformatics, Chanukah, DNA, genetics, Golam, Lubavitcher Rebbe, many-worlds, mochin d'gadlut, mochin d'katnut, multiverse theory, Noach, organ transplant, out-of-body experience, proteomics, Purim, Rabbah, Rabbi Zeira, reincarnation, resurrection, Robotics, shechitah, stem cells, Tower of Babel, Turing test
New Earth, Gathered Waters: Physics and Kabbalah (Part 5)
By Asher Crispe: October 28, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: autopoiesis, Darwin, DIY (Do It Yourself), Indiegogo, It from Bit, iTunes, Kyoto University, Nanotechnology, new feminisms, new materialism, ontic, Onto-theology, ontological, self-organization, self-publishing, Spinoza, stem cells, Tzemach Tzedek, wave-particle duality