Posts Tagged ‘Neuroscience’
Songs of Myself (Part 8)
By Asher Crispe: September 14, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Simple Rhythms
tagged: autism, hyperthymesia, memory, music, Neuroscience, Song of Myself, synaptic pruning, tazmir, vineyard, zemir
Brains, Monkeys and Avatars (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: March 11, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
tagged: Adar, avatar, Avatar (film), Beyond Boundaries (Book), body, brain computer interface, copy, film, guf, kof, Kuf, Miguel Angelo Laporta Nicolelis, monkey, Neuroscience, Purim, Star Trek
Circus of Dreams (Part 13)
By Asher Crispe: December 3, 2012 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: archetype, Binah, chiral properties, Chochmah, consciousness, cyclicality, Da'at, Dreams, hakarah. recognition, intuition, keter, Kingdom, Kislev, knowledge, Malchut, muda'ut, mythology, Neuroscience, Ouroboros, ratzon, Samech, self-reflexitivty, Snake, strange loops, Tree of Knowledge
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: March 13, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Bicameral Mind, brain, cognitive science, Executive Function, Iain McGilchrist, Julian Jaynes, mind, Neuroscience, Radak, Rosh Hashanah, The Master and His Emissary, The Pixies
All Things Digital: Part 2
By Asher Crispe: March 18, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: AI, Computers, Cybernetics, digital, Golam, information theory, John Von Neuman, Maharal, Marvin Minsky, Neuroscience, Norbert Weiner