Posts Tagged ‘Gevurah’
It’s all about that Balance: Eshet Chayil (Part 13)
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 16, 2015 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: cheirut, Chessed, community, delet, Door, eid, Eshet Chayil, four sons, Four Worlds, Freedom, Gevurah, mezuzah, Passover. Pesach, Shema, tzibur, witness, women in Judaism
Finding the Right Time and the Right Place: Eshet Chayil (Part 11)
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 12, 2015 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: Chessed, chok, Eshet Chayil, flax, Gevurah, Gimmel, law, mixtures, shatnez, tallit, tzitzit, women in Judaism, wool
Songs of Myself (Part 7)
By Asher Crispe: September 2, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Simple Rhythms
tagged: Dark Vader, Der Ring des Nibelungen, Gevurah, Imperial March, John Williams (Composer), Korach, leitmotif, music, Once (film), sons of Korach, Star Wars, Wagner, zemir
Circus of Dreams (Part 15)
By Asher Crispe: December 5, 2012 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: ba'al shem tov, chalah, Chessed, chol, circle, contraction, cosmic background radiation, cosmology, Dreams, empty space, evolution, Gevurah, Great Chain of Being, Kislev, makom panui, might, Nature, ring, Samech, secular, seder histalshelut, Stephen Crane, tabat, teva, tzimtzum, vacuum, void, War is King
Familiar Silence–Worlds Apart (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: October 10, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Action, Ada, Anna Karenina princple, Chessed, Creation, Emanation, Family, Formation, Four Worlds, Germs and Steel, Gevurah, Guns, Jared Diamond, Leo Tolstoy, rachamim, Vladimir Nabokov
Inspiring Interior Design (Part 5)
By Asher Crispe: August 10, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: architecture, Bedroom, Chessed, Din, dining room, Gedulah, Gevurah, hod, home, house, interior design, kitchen, living room, morgash, mutba, netzach, Tiferet, Yesod, Zohar