Posts Tagged ‘Eve’
The Sukkafication of Self (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: October 12, 2022 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations, Interactions
tagged: Adam, bubble, Chava, dalet minim, Door, Eve, featured, four species, Matrix, microspherology, ohr makif, Peter Sloterdijk, s'chach, star worship, Sukkah, Sukkot, surrounding light
The Whole-Half Self (Part 4)
By Asher Crispe: February 11, 2013 : CategoryInspirations, Thought Figures
tagged: Adam, Chava, coin, embodied self, Eve, golden calf, half s, kesef, machatzit hashekel, matbaiya, Nature, Psychology, R.D. Laing, schizophrenia, shekel, silver, skin, Snake, teva, The Divided Self (Book), Tree of Knowledge
Relationship Differences: Fusion and De/fusion (Part 16)
By Asher Crispe: January 17, 2013 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, Adam Kadmon, Body Images: Embodiment as Intercorporeality (Book), Chava, Creation, Emanation, Eve, ezer, Four Worlds, Frank Wilczek, Gail Weiss, gilgulim, havdalah, Immanence, k'negdo, levado, lo, marriage, Primordial Man, Psychology, reincarnation, relationships, singularity, symmetry, The Lightness of Being (Book), Transcendence, yeduai chain, Yichidah
Relationship Differences: Fusion and De/fusion (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: December 25, 2012 : CategoryQuilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, alterity, autism, autopoiesis, brain computer interface, Chava, Eve, interpersonal, loneliness, marriage, narcissism, Other, Psychology, relationships, sociology, solipsism
Circus of Dreams (Part 20)
By Asher Crispe: December 12, 2012 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: Action, chain, Chava, chuppah, circle, Creation, cut, Dreams, Emanation, enclothment, Eve, Formation, foundation, histalshilut, hitlabshut, Kingdom, Kislev, Malchut, nasirah, pyramid, return, righteous, ring, Samech, square, teshuvah, triangle, Tzaddik, Yesod
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 8)
By Asher Crispe: September 12, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, adom, Chava, cognitive science, Emily, Eve, Executive Function, Executive System, Image Metrics, intuition, Jean Baudrillard, logico-linguistic modeling, Mittler Rebbe, Shaarei Emunah, virtual reality
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 7)
By Asher Crispe: September 11, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, adom, Borges, Chava, cognitive science, Colin Milburn, Eve, Executive Function, Executive System, Google Earth, GPS, Hegel, hyperreal, Iain McGilchrist, Jean Baudrillard, Matrix, Nanotechnology, Nanovision, Simulacra and Simulation, Telemetrics, virtual reality
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 5)
By Asher Crispe: September 7, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, adom, Binah, Chava, Chayah, Chochmah, cognitive science, Eve, Executive Function, Executive System, Iain McGilchrist, logico-linguistic modeling, Marvin Minsky, Paul Ricoeur, The Master and His Emissary
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 3)
By Asher Crispe: September 5, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, adom, Chabad, Chava, cognitive science, emotion, Eve, Executive Function, Executive System, heart, kaved, King, lev, liver, melech, mind, moach, Rosh Hashanah, Snake, thought
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 2)
By Asher Crispe: September 4, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adam, Bicameral Mind, cognitive science, Eve, Executive Function, Executive System, FMRI, heart, liver, mind, MIR, nachash, Rosh Hashanah, Snake