Posts Tagged ‘Door’
The Sukkafication of Self (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: October 12, 2022 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations, Interactions
tagged: Adam, bubble, Chava, dalet minim, Door, Eve, featured, four species, Matrix, microspherology, ohr makif, Peter Sloterdijk, s'chach, star worship, Sukkah, Sukkot, surrounding light
It’s all about that Balance: Eshet Chayil (Part 13)
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 16, 2015 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: cheirut, Chessed, community, delet, Door, eid, Eshet Chayil, four sons, Four Worlds, Freedom, Gevurah, mezuzah, Passover. Pesach, Shema, tzibur, witness, women in Judaism
The Whole-Half Self (Part 3)
By Asher Crispe: February 7, 2013 : CategoryInspirations, Thought Figures
tagged: delet, Derech Mitzvotecha (Book), dibur, Door, gerah, kol, machazi, petrification, Psychology, R.D. Laing, shekel, speech, Tzemach Tzedek, voice, word-thing, Yud-Vav-Dalet
Taken to Heart (Part 2)
By Asher Crispe: September 28, 2012 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: Beit, Binah, Chochmah, Dalet, Door, emotion, liminal zone, metacognitive architecture, Sukkah, Sukkot, Zohar