Posts Tagged ‘damim (bloods)’
The Power of Networks (Part 8)
By Asher Crispe: February 20, 2013 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
tagged: altar, chochmat ha'teva, damim (bloods), domains, higher and lower waters, Korbanot, mikbar, Mishkan, mizbeach, networks, Noach, Noah, reshet, reshut, science, Sefer Ha'Remezim L'Rabbeinu Yoel, sieve, social networks, Tabernacle, Ten Plagues, Torah

Rock and Roll Redemption
"Thanks! Happy to hear!!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"just had to re-read this , excellent , Thank You again for the refresher course in..."
- Pete Waters
The Economics of Creative Destruction (Part 2)
"I was browsing thru FB and came across a post saying why this past Sabbath will be..."
- Nannette L Nerenberg
The Economics of Creative Destruction (Part 2)
"This article/ story is fascinating! A lady on FB told us about how this past Sabba..."
- Nannette L Nerenberg
Interinclusion Winter Retreat 2017
"Do you have this retreat every year?"
- Rochelle Strauss
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 9)
"Thank you for this one especially, although as always, these insights & Spirit..."
- Robert Mykoff
Interinclusion Winter Retreat 2017
I saw that you're going to speak at Chabad/West Side, where I attend. (I'v..."
- Richard Morris
Songs of Myself (Part 9)
"absolutely fascinating and enlightening , with gratitude to Rabbi Crispe for my co..."
- Peter Waters
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Imagine the whole world living as One , Imagine such an Image , as ADONAI ECHAD , ..."
- Peter Waters
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Imagine the whole world of us living as One , Adonai Echad , Imagine , what is tha..."
- Peter Waters
"[…] Rabbi Adher Crispe brought a group of students from various indpendent s..."
- Education and Vermont’s future
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"Thank you so much for your comment!"
- Asher Crispe
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"I'm reading this after hearing of the passing of my mother-in-law, may she rest in..."
- Naomi
Finding My Voice
"I'm a year late to the party, but I'm so happy I found you here. Loved your work o..."
- Naomi Kenan
The Whole-Half Self (Part 1)
"Rabbinic language is precise while losing nothing of the poetic, and you've done a..."
- Malka
Infinite Connection: The Letter Chet Eshet Chayil (Part 25)
"Shalom & great to see another article. "
- Rob_Mykoff
Suspected Alien Life
"[…] A revelation that is temimah, faultless, whole, and complete, precludes ..."
- Noahide, Like Newton ;0) | Noahide Blog
The “Organization” of Law (Part 1)
"Not sure of the difference between "figure of authority" and "authority figure". P..."
- M.S.
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"Wow thank you for this writing. I'm absorbing it through the senses and am seeing ..."
- Elizabeth Yaari
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 1)
"How eloquently explained. Great time of year to read this!"
- Irma Fralic
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Dear Su,
Thank you very much for your email and for the personal experience that ..."
- Asher Crispe
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"My ex husband, a child of holocaust survivors had a hard time being with his kids...."
- su bornstein
Freedom to Question (Part One)
"It feels like such a brilliant journey and insight into healing, and going beyond ..."
- Rob Mykoff
Finding My Voice
"Sara Esther:
I love this article, it is so relevant to the topic of speech. Th..."
- irma
The Ship in the Sea: Using our Pain to Empathize and Heal (Eshet Chayil, Part 14)
"What a beautiful article filled with rich imagery and lessons!"
- rivka m perlman
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 5)
"Well this final Part 5 was just as good as the rest of the 5-part series, can't wa..."
- Rob Mykoff
Leah and Her Unexpected Strength: Eshet Chayil (Part 12)
"Kol hacavod! Yes, what we feel and what we know are so different. But like the wea..."
- Ashira Morgenstern
Finding My Voice
"Thank you so much for your kind words!"
- Asher Crispe
Finding My Voice
"Thank you for your authentic and radiant expression and for being willing to share..."
- Robin
Circus of Dreams (Part 1)
"[…] over a group of letters that included one called Samech, and he informed..."
- An update on Morningstar and Tribute | Worlds Workshop
Circus of Dreams (Part 23)
"I didn't at first realize that this was the last article. I can take a 23-article ..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 23)
"I think I get it now. You go into the realm of math to derive new truths about the..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 21)
"This one was the hardest of this series for me to understand, but I'm marking it a..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Circus of Dreams (Part 5)
"These are all amazing articles, but if I could rate this one a six, I would. Incid..."
- R. Scott Kennan
Finding My Voice
"You have embodied in words, the only way that I know how to begin writing. And I w..."
- Howard
Finding My Voice
"Heard. VERY heard! You might wonder about your voice, but you just roared! And I'm..."
- aviva spiegel
Finding My Voice
"What a beautiful, emotionally honest piece. I'm thinking: we are constantly, evolv..."
- Roz
Finding My Voice
"BH Hi Sara Esther,
As someone who has never written for pay
rather for myself I ..."
- Chaya Gross
Finding My Voice
"Good luck. It will come."
- Toby Klein Greenwald
The Kinetic Sculptures of Theo Jansen
"Beautifully written, but over the top, no? Comparing something that can mechanical..."
- Moshe
Three is Not a Crowd: Eshet Chayil (Part 10)
"There is actually a parallelism but not in the geometric sense of a literal triang..."
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"In the Midrash, the sages speak of a future whereby Israel expands to include the ..."
- Asher Crispe
Three is Not a Crowd: Eshet Chayil (Part 10)
""And so too, the Jewish perspective is that the ultimate relationship is one of th..."
- Malkie
Rock and Roll Redemption
"The song Imagine also says "Imagine there's no countries". Where does that leave ..."
- Fred Fox
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Only success in your beautiful project. May it grow from strength to strength, an..."
- Rus Devorah
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Hi, do you mean that you will set up a farm there as well? I've been dreaming of d..."
- eli gauthier
Breaking Misconceptions: An Introduction to Eshet Chayil (Part 1)
"Beautifully written! Yasher Koach!"
- Perl Krasnjansky
Breaking Misconceptions: An Introduction to Eshet Chayil (Part 1)
"Great. Loved the class. The book will be even better. Mazal tov!"
- Andrea Lee
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 5)
"I always appreciate and value your insights. As an aside about animals though, onc..."
- Andrea Lee
The Mannequins in Our Lives
"Sara, this is the Artist, Suzanne Heintz. I just read what you wrote. I was aske..."
- Suzanne Heintz
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 1)
"Glad you found it. More parts in the series are coming soon!"
- Asher Crispe
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 1)
Thank u for this article Asher and Sara
- Laurian Greenstein
Being Mothered–Experiencing Shabbat
"What a paradox: "..When you have chosen not to answer your phone, turn on your com..."
- Malka
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"BH Wishing you much hatzlacha!"
- Malka
The Age of Information and Hyperconnectivity (Part 2)
I once read Sartre's Nausea, where I believe he became increasingly..."
- Andy
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Jewcer is a great site! Thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Interinclusion Retreat Center in Vermont
"Check out jewcer"
- Zevi
The Spirit of Automation (Part 4)
"Thank you for helping me understand my deepest feelings... truly a feeling of "unn..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 3)
"Your words are like poetry… always piquing my interest… begging to be reread. ..."
- Bob Psencik
Saving Lucky
"I love your heart-felt life adventures expertly told... so much we can learn. A le..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 2)
"Looking forward to the Sabbath of the work I love... one in which I am not making ..."
- Bob Psencik
The Spirit of Automation (Part 1)
"I like your simple explanations of profound subjects. It seems as we have more and..."
- Bob Psencik
Saving Lucky
"We certainly do!! Many thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Saving Lucky
"You are so right about how your children will remember this.
Now is the time to m..."
- lynn
Saving Lucky
- Ayala
Freedom Takes Time
Interinclusion Summer Retreat 2014
"G-d willing it will be amazing!! Sorry to hear you can't attend. Hopefully the fir..."
- Asher Crispe
Interinclusion Summer Retreat 2014
This looks amazing but we can't go.. :-(
- Barbara and Raymond Price
The Key is in the Dough
"This is terrific! Thank you for the clear, concise and creative manner you express..."
- Golda
Joy, Love and Revealing the Hidden
"Hi Sara, a beautiful Pesach to you!
Amazingly, I just ran into this piece that ..."
- stanley schuckman
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 2)
"Dear Rabbi Crispe,
We, my Rebbetzin and "I'' are coming to close of Breaking B..."
- Richard Sugarman
The Mannequins in Our Lives
"So glad that someone else could understand what she was doing! I thought it was a ..."
- Ayala
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 1)
"So glad that a fellow Breaking Bad enthusiast enjoyed the series!! Thank you!! Asher"
- Asher Crispe
The Pathos of Breaking Bad (Part 1)
Yasher koach/congrats/kudos on writing this four-part essay on the Sha..."
- Jeff Neckonoff
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thanks Tamir!! We appreciate your kind words!!"
- Asher Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"This is a great article and an incredible website. They say knowledge is power but..."
- Tamir Goodman
The Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 11)
"Thank you for your kind words!!"
- Asher Crispe
The Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 11)
"Asher and Sarah Esther, you guys are radiant, shining lights unto this world. Than..."
- Mia Sherwood Landau
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Beth, being aware of the issue is already a huge step in addressing it. I wish you..."
- Sara Esther Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thank you!"
- Asher Crispe
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"Thanks so much! The remarks about extending modesty in our thoughts towards other..."
- Rebecca Faulkner
Beyond the Body, More or Less
"I struggled with anorexia and controlling calories as a teen. This changed when I ..."
- Beth Greenstein Veltrop
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 6)
"Terrific article - but like Tehillim, please don't finish off with a negative wor..."
- chana boas
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 2)
"So true! Thanks for adding in that additional insight!!"
- Asher Crispe
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 2)
"HI! Really liked your article. Just wanted to say that not only human blood is for..."
- Chasida
Plagues of the Heart and Mind (Part 1)
"This is great. Was asking this question on Shabbas- how are the first 7 plauges di..."
- Ayala
Position, Measurement and Observation (Part 5)
"Thank you for your comment! A radically altered (and improved) picture does emerge..."
- Asher Crispe
Position, Measurement and Observation (Part 5)
""The giving of the Law in this place informs us throughout the ages than the ultim..."
- Marvin Falz
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 2)
"Great blog!
“There is a visionary mirror [Shekhinah] reflecting supernal colo..."
- Jesse
Circus of Dreams (Part 13)
"All I can , as usual is, Rabbi Thank You, for your teaching. your giving and besto..."
- Pete Waters
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"Shouldnt it be the reversed? Maybe i read it wrong but you mention Kayin being the..."
- alon
All Things Digital: Part 1
"When I read this it made me think about how the letter 'Bet' looks kind of like a ..."
- David
Freedom to Question (Part One)
"iafe! toda!"
- Adriana Tcach
The Power of Networks (Part 12)
- Asher Crispe
The Power of Networks (Part 12)
"Comparing the internet to the web of Creation is fascinating. Since I work as a gh..."
- Mia Sherwood Landau
The Whole-Half Self (Part 7)
"Hi Christina,
Thanks for your interest! All of our articles on the interincusio..."
- Asher Crispe
The Whole-Half Self (Part 7)
"Very interesting reading. I would love to post this in my Fanbox posts with all du..."
- Christina Boyle
Night Music
"Many thanks!!"
- Asher Crispe
Night Music
"A beautiful piece on meditation and the power of music. Very thoughtful."
- Ed Israel
The Whole-Half Self (Part 1)
"Well alrighty then. I dont think i would have understood this as well if anyone el..."
- Erika Paz
The Power of Networks (Part 5)
"Looking forward to part six :)"
- m
Out of Touch (Part 1)
"Sometimes a handshake is just a handshake."
- Ed Israel
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"I agree about John Lennon. I have often thought his words might have opened the do..."
- Mike Ettinger
Rock and Roll Redemption
"A special song indeed! Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"The bride/(s) are truely longing for the Bridegroom and their special song - the m..."
- Christina
The Power of Networks (Part 1)
- Asher Crispe
The Power of Networks (Part 1)
"Great article thanks Asher!"
- Yonason
Relationship Differences: Fusion and De/fusion (Part 16)
I just read Inclusion Part 16 which Andrea was so kind to send to me. I f..."
- Anita Zager
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"Thanks so much!! The quote from Marcus Aurelius says it perfectly!!"
- Asher Crispe
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"As in the series Circus of Dreams, I very much appreciate your insightful, lucid t..."
- Andria Metcalf
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"Great Einstein quote! Many thanks!"
- Asher Crispe
Inception: A Kabbalistic Take on the Film (Part 4)
"I love this analysis. I was just writing and thinking this morning about how amazi..."
- Jacki Pincus
Circus of Dreams (Part 19)
"Thanks for your comment! You are indeed correct that the plain meaning of 'olam' ..."
- Asher Crispe
Circus of Dreams (Part 19)
"Mishle 10:25
As the whirlwind passeth, so is the rashah no more, but the tzaddi..."
- Zebadyahu
The Time of Renewal and the Renewal of Time (Part 1)
""Lights, Camera, Action" would correspond to the three lower worlds of Creation, F..."
- Asher Crispe
The Time of Renewal and the Renewal of Time (Part 1)
"I remember as a kid being enthralled by the concept of a movie reel. How a complet..."
- Yonason
Maimonides’ “Theosophic” Psychology (Part 2)
"Judaism specifically foribds Jews from consulting an astrologer or any other form ..."
- Musica
Inspiring Interior Design (Part 7)
"When we sleep we experience one sixteith of death. Negativity tries to suck' as m..."
- Inma
Sacrificial Heterologies (Part 1)
"Thanks so much for helping me out with the source! Not finding it was driving me n..."
- Asher Crispe
Sacrificial Heterologies (Part 1)
"Thank you for this first installment and enlightening exercise on what happens whe..."
- Shaina Trapedo
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Many thanks for your comment! You make a good point. Perhaps we might suggest that..."
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"I'm not sure if John Lennon's "Imagine" is acceptable in my heart of hearts since..."
- Chasha
How We Choose to Invest: Margin Call (The Movie)
"Thanks! We hope to have many more to come!"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Dylan is one of the giants...we certainly could write a great deal about his lyric..."
- Asher Crispe
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Thank you!"
- Asher Crispe
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Thank you! More to come in this series. Happy to hear you liked it. Kol Tuv, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Might I add Bob Dylan's "Quinn the Eskimo" made famous by Manfred Mann, then later..."
- rachierach
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
"Incredible teaching on the "mah" and the "nishtanah." Thank you. Reminded me that ..."
- Rabbi David Zaslow
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"I take my previous comment back. How would Kayin know that Hevel was operating by..."
- Charles King
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"I'm always amazed by how much I have to learn about things I think I know pretty w..."
- Charles King
Four Existential Questions (Part 1)
""Propelled by the question, we are able to transcend our limitations, be they of s..."
- Keli Leeba Kinseth
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Many, many thanks! I appreciate all the feedback! All the best, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Like Jim, also grateful to Shifra for the opportunity to experience this deep expl..."
- Graeme Rickards
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Thank you for your kind words! All the best, Asher"
- Asher Crispe
Freedom to Question (Part Two)
"Thank you for your profound clarity. Having just finished listening to your call w..."
- Jim Morrison
How We Choose to Invest: Margin Call (The Movie)
"Have missed your articles! Glad you are able to share again."
- Dianne
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"Wow. This explains a lot of history and the squelching of Judaism.
So, now that w..."
- Malka S.
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 1)
"very enjoyable and interesting."
- Chaim Forer
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 2)
"It is not always a matter of fewer choices but rather finding a appropriate range ..."
- Asher Crispe
Determinism and Freewill are Brothers (Part 2)
"Can it be said that the fewer choices you have in a situation, the closer to desig..."
- Dianne
All Things Digital: Part 2
"This series are nothing short of excellent!"
- Serge
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part Three)
"I just simply want to say thank you for sharing your insight and look forward to y..."
- Dianne
Suspected Alien Life
"This is from the book, Jewish Wisdom on the Afterlife, by Rav DovBer Pinson, he ci..."
- Chaim
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
"What is vrudim in this scheme?"
- k
Freedom to Improvise
"1)Have Haman, the skeptic, argue with Esther the tsadika about the nature of reali..."
- Malka Stern
The Temporal Community (Part 1)
"This all fits in with yetziat mitzrayim, going out of the boundaries which limit. ..."
- Malka Stern
Suspected Alien Life
"Thanks so much for this article. I'd like more info about what comes up at the end..."
- bk in l.a.
Suspected Alien Life
"It seems to me that you are downplaying the difficukty of free will or alternate T..."
- Rivka
The Handmaid and the Mistress
"great article! looking forward to its followup"
- Chaim Forer
Lost (and Found) in Translation
"Some Yichudim:
• In theory, the Ramabam holds that a Sefer Torah may be writt..."
- psachyah
Comparative Worldviews in Social Science
"In my opinion, viewing the ideal societal paradigm Birudim through the inherently ..."
- Regan Wales
Glee and Television’s Taste for Inadequate Representation
"Really compelling analysis. I leave with the message that the next horizon is for..."
- Robin Garbose
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"...thank you for opening this topic to discussion.I must admit that I have never e..."
- Regan Wales
The Forest: a short film
"Nice.. that you already know. What could be improved?
1. In the narrative, the "l..."
- lazer
The Forest: a short film
"Thank you! Well done."
- Rochel Leah
Suspected Alien Life
"Now, why would we want space-travel? That really does not appeal to me. At all!"
- MS
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Whats the last level of G´ds game?"
- andre
A World Taken by Games: Jane McGonigal at TED
"Epic article, I very much enjoyed reading it. Thank you!"
- Talia
A World Taken by Games: Jane McGonigal at TED
"Amazing article and unbelievable site. Totally in tune with what is happening and ..."
- Sage Carter
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"Beautifully articulated, thank you. It strikes me that it may be precisely the im..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
Upgrading the (Video) Game of Life
"Can't recall the context or the precise words, but I vividly remember the moment: ..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
Rock and Roll Redemption
"Marley's 'Redemption Song' probably belongs there too.
I recall trying to explain..."
- Simcha Gottlieb
The Forest: a short film
"Beautiful! What a lesson for life.
This site is great. I am going to link it to m..."
- Miriam
The Forest: a short film
"Cool and so true! Psalm 23. Great website too. Very enticing."
- dianne
Suspected Alien Life
"Thanks so much for the information. I was hoping to crowd source some additional s..."
- Asher Crispe
Suspected Alien Life
"The possibility of "many other worlds" by R. Hasdai Crescas dates actually to the ..."
- Dr. Natan Ophir
Expanding Space and Time
"Awesome! Love how you brought that teaching down so clearly. At what point do we ..."
- Aviva
Rock and Roll Redemption
"How about Dylan's "I Shall be Released" on Moshiach's playlist?"
- Avi Kamman
Move to Think
"What are the schools / learning institutions doing to have that applied?
- Andre
Theory, Imagination & Practice…Squared
"Is it that 1 + 1 = 2 inconsistent or incomplete???
Always thought one needed fait..."
- andre
Expanding Space and Time
"so how do we use the Torah to break the limits of time & space?
who/what are..."
- andre
Comparative Worldviews in Social Science
"View it as the capitalist world contributing to the society as a whole... like peo..."
- Andre
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"Assuming the connection is done with the 613 "links" , then what? Whats next?"
- Andre
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"Interesting article! Thanks"
- Robert
Ken Wilber: Theories of Consciousness (Part One)
"Gimme mo. Wilbur is certainly NOT a fan of the level playing field paradigm, all ..."
- Michael Diamond
Life Changing Eating Habits
"Bravo, it's all from HaShem, so who are we to throw it out? Is there a risk of me..."
- Michael Diamond
Design Diversity: The Meaning of 613 Commandments
"nice article"
- Larry D.