Posts Tagged ‘cosmology’
Circus of Dreams (Part 15)
By Asher Crispe: December 5, 2012 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: ba'al shem tov, chalah, Chessed, chol, circle, contraction, cosmic background radiation, cosmology, Dreams, empty space, evolution, Gevurah, Great Chain of Being, Kislev, makom panui, might, Nature, ring, Samech, secular, seder histalshelut, Stephen Crane, tabat, teva, tzimtzum, vacuum, void, War is King
The History of Histories (Part 10)
By Asher Crispe: November 12, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quest of the Question
tagged: cosmology, Edom, Egyptian, Greek, Hadar, history, holographic universe, Roman, tzimtzum, World of Chaos, World of Rectification
Progress or Regress (Article 15)
By Nir Menussi: April 22, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
From Cosmos to Creation (Article 13)
By Nir Menussi: April 8, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
The Kabbalistic Multiverse
By Nir Menussi: March 25, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
tagged: cosmology, science, worldviews