Quilt of Translations
The Syntax of Being (Part 3)
By Asher Crispe: June 13, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Adorno, Arizal, Deleuze, Derrida, Elliot Wolfson, ken wilber, Moshe Idel, Rodolphe Gasché, tanta
The Syntax of Being (Part 2)
By Asher Crispe: June 12, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: diacritics, Douglas Hofstadter, Elliot Wolfson, Godel Escher Bach, Heidegger, Jose Faur, Marc-Alain Ouaknin, Michael Fishbane, Moshe Idel, Oral Torah, Pardes, tanta
The Syntax of Being (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: June 11, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Arizal, cantillation, crowns. letters, Derrida, Edmond Jabes, Elliot Wolfson, Etz Chaim, George Steiner, Heidegger, Husserl, Nietzsche, Ontology, tanta, Tree of Life, vowels
The Executive System: Cognitive Science and Kabbalah (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: March 13, 2012 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Bicameral Mind, brain, cognitive science, Executive Function, Iain McGilchrist, Julian Jaynes, mind, Neuroscience, Radak, Rosh Hashanah, The Master and His Emissary, The Pixies
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 2)
By Asher Crispe: April 1, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: bipolar, Ethics of the Fathers, Man on a Wire, Philippe Petit, Psychology, Run and Return, Sefer Yetzirah, World Trade Center
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 3)
By Asher Crispe: : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: ba'al shem tov, Balance, bipolar, Psychology
All Things Digital: Part 1
By Asher Crispe: March 18, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: digital, George Steiner, IBM, information theory, Sefer Yetzirah
All Things Digital: Part 2
By Asher Crispe: : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: AI, Computers, Cybernetics, digital, Golam, information theory, John Von Neuman, Maharal, Marvin Minsky, Neuroscience, Norbert Weiner
Reconditioning the Bipolar (Part 1)
By Asher Crispe: March 11, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: bipolar, Monty-Python
Architectures of Glass
By Asher Crispe: February 4, 2011 : CategoryInspirations, Quilt of Translations
tagged: Anne Friedberg, architecture, glass house, King Solomon, Paul Scheerbart, Philip Johnson, Sigfried Giedion