Author Archive
Thought for Food and Food for Thought (Part 5)
By Sara Esther Crispe: April 10, 2014 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: ambition, fins, fish, food, kosher, Psychology, scales (of fish)
Food for Thought and Thought for Food (Part 4)
By Sara Esther Crispe: April 7, 2014 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: 32 pathways of wisdom, camel, chewing cud, digestion, eating, emet (truth), fake, food, impostor, kosher, pig, Psychology, sheker (false), teeth
Food for Thought and Thought for Food (Part 3)
By Sara Esther Crispe: April 2, 2014 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: blessing, consumption, food, gratitude, kosher, Psychology
Food for Thought and Thought for Food (Part 2)
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 30, 2014 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: animal, dietary laws, e-motion, emotion, kosher, meat, milk, mourning, Psychology, shivah
Food for Thought and Though for Food: (Part 1)
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 28, 2014 : CategoryDecoding the Tradition, Inspirations
tagged: creativity, eating, food, health, kosher, Nachmanides, Ramban, talents
Joy, Love and Revealing the Hidden
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 12, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Living with the Times
tagged: Adar, ahavah, heart, joy, lev, love, marriage, Megillat Esther, pregnant year, Purim, relationships
The Mannequins in Our Lives
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 10, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Thought Figures
tagged: art, face, Family, mirror, panim, photography, Suzanne Heintz (photographer)
Alice Herz-Sommer: Living Adar Every Day of Her Life
By Sara Esther Crispe: March 6, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Living with the Times
tagged: Adar, Alice Herz-Sommer, Holocaust, joy, Megillat Esther, music, Piano, Purim, Queen Esther
What are you Looking for in Your Relationship?
By Sara Esther Crispe: February 25, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Networks of Meaning
tagged: anavah, chatunah, chein, humility, King Solomon, marriage, Psychology, relationships
Going Viral: A World of Transparency
By Sara Esther Crispe: February 24, 2014 : CategoryInspirations, Living with the Times
tagged: abra k'dabra, communication, social media, social networks, transparency, twitter, viral information